Phone: 614.837.1639 | Fax: 614.864.0194

Current/Upcoming Project List


Updated 07-11-24


Please check our calendar for upcoming seminars: CALENDAR Please give us a call or e-mail if you have additional suggestions.  E-MAIL See Completed Enhancements * Note – Blue items are completed. Go to project list for…

All Applications

  • Add password protection to all System menus
  • Display a portion of all MEMO fields on Browse screens so operator can see contents of mem

Response Log

Pavement Management

Fleet Maintenance

  • Custom Classification – Custom Classification Table File and Maintenance Code Table File – Field length increased from 1 character to 5 characters (04/23/24)
  • Job Entry – If OILCHG Maintenance Code is on Work Order, prompt or automatically change “P.M. Check?” to “Y”.
  • Vehicle Master File Reports – Add Report Date to Selection screen (default is current date) – Print this date on reports
  • Job File Reports – Add Mileage to all reports
  • Vehicle Cost Analysis Reports/Job Reports – Add total number of JOBS to report summary
  • Summary with Gas Analysis – Add BEGIN AND END HOURS, along with BEGIN AND END MILEAGE
  • Job Entry/Fluid Entry – Display Warning if YEAR is not current year

Garage and Parts Inventory

  • Manufacturer Parts File – Browse modified so Item can be scanned to check current Quantity on hand – NEW RIGHT CLICK menu option to VIEW ALL VEHICLES USING SELECTED PART (04/23/24)
  • Add Pictures page to Inventory Master File
  • Transaction File Entry Screens – Display Warning if YEAR is not current year


(Daily Crew Worksheet)

  • Project Entry/Detail Entry/Payroll Reports – Increase decimals of REGULAR HOURS, OVERTIME HOURS and COMP HOURS from 2 to 3 (01/06/24).
  • Increase number of decimals for ROAD LENGTH to 4
  • Add option to select Work Order Amount on Report Selection Screen …  “Include Work Orders >= Selected Amount”
  • Add Utility Protection Number to Worksheet (currently Utility Protection Number is on Work Order-Pavement Management)
  • Add pictures to Worksheet Entry  (currently pictures are on Work Order-Pavement Management and Response Log)
  • Increase size of LENGTH field in Road Master File – increase decimals to 4
  • Add option to update Equipment FEMA rates
  • Road Master File – Add ENDING HOUSE NUMBER
  • Road Master File – Add option to Import file from Internet Web Site
  • Road History File – Add SURFACE TREATMENT field with popup
  • Sign Interface – Add option to Import Sign Labor (Maintenance and Inspection entries)
  • Road Master File – Calculate LENGTH when BEGINNING LOG POINT and ENDING LOG POINT are entered.  Calculate ENDING LOG POINT when BEGINNING LOG POINT and LENGTH are entered.
  • Project and Detail Entry Screens – Display Warning if YEAR is not current year


Sign Management


Culvert/Bridge Management


Guardrail Management


Payroll Management

  • Employee History Reports – Increase decimals from 2 to 3 for HOURS USED (01/06/24)
  • Employee Balances – Add MAXIMUM COMP HOURS
  • Employee Master File – Add FMLA (family medical leave) BEGIN DATE
  • Maintenance menu – Add option to Archive Leave Requests
  • Add new Employee Master File Report that includes ALL liability (add BONUS/PERSONAL and COMP TIME – format as Sick and Vacation Liability)
  • Add easier way to track DONATED Sick Leave – Currently can track sick leave donated  through PAY TYPE – To increase SICK LEAVE BALANCE for receiver, donated sick leave is entered as EARNED in OVERRIDE column, using memo to specify person donating time
  • Maintenance menu/Create Transaction Records for a new Pay Period – Add option to retrieve labor information from Fleet Maintenance.
  • Expand Sick and Vacation Balances to hold up to SIX decimal places
  • Add Interface for Offered Overtime and ‘Create Payroll Transactions’.  If Offered Overtime is Accepted, create Overtime records.

Government Accounting

  • Receipt Transaction Entry – Display EXPECTED AMOUNT on data entry form – Add RIGHT CLICK to print Amended Certificate Request Report (05/02/24)
  • Budget Reports – Add DATE RANGE SELECTED on all reports – currently only on Standard Budget Report
  • Add Indiana Tax Exempt Form as new report format – Vendor Master File Reports
  • Invoice Data Entry – Do not prompt the operator more than once to change amount of Invoice if ‘No’ is chosen once.
  • Voucher form – When Vendor is entered, display COMPLIANCE DATE on form
  • Vendor Master File – Increase field length of EMAIL ADDRESS
  • Envelope Print – Add Envelope Print option (like LABELS)
  • Vendor Popup – Display ADDRESS
  • Voucher Transaction Reports – Vendor Reports – Add TOTAL DOLLARS as Sort option
  • Receipt Transaction Entry – Display TOTAL RECEIVED on data entry form
  • Departmental Code File – Add SORT OPTION (Description or Code) to Browse, Report and Popup


 Fixed Asset Inventory

  • Add TYPE table file for maintaining INVENTORY types. Add popup selection capability


A/R-Receipt Management

  • Invoice Transaction File – Add option to view PAID, UNPAID or ALL invoices (07/03/24)
  • A/R Payment Transaction File Report – Add PAY IN NUMBER (07/11/24)
  • Add option to DELETE INVOICE NUMBER to Maintenance menu. This option will delete all transactions for a particular invoice.


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