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When rates change in the middle of a period, you will create TWO Period Transaction records for the Pay Period. The PAY DATE will be the same for each record. Following is an example of how to accomplish this. We will assume there is a Pay Increase on Jan 1, 2013 and the Pay Period is from 12/25/17 to 01/07/18. The PAY DATE is 01/07/18.

If you are using DWS, follow these steps:

1. Enter the DWS records through 12/25/17 using the current DWS pay rates.
2. Change the DWS RATES (NOT THE PAYROLL RATES) in the Employee Rates File (DWS). The PAYROLL RATES are used when creating Period Transaction Records, so we still need the old rates there.
3. Enter the DWS records from 1/1/18 through 1/7/18. The new BENEFITTED rates will now be the default rates for DWS.
4. Run YEAR END CLOSE in Payroll if you have not yet done this. Year End Close will move the BALANCES to LAST YEAR ENDING BALANCES and CLEAR THE Y-T-D fields. A copy of the Employee Master File will also be made.
5. CREATE TRANSACTIONS FOR A NEW PAY PERIOD (Payroll Maintenance Menu). Use a PAY DATE of 01/07/18, BEGINNING DATE of 12/25/17 and ENDING DATE of 12/31/17.
6. Change the Pay Rates in the Employee Master File (Demographics page) to the NEW RATES.
7. UPDATE EMPLOYEE RATE FILE WITH EMPLOYEE MASTER FILE RATES (Payroll Maintenance menu). This will update the PAYROLL RATES in the Employee Rates File.
8. CREATE TRANSACTIONS FOR A NEW PAY PERIOD (Payroll Maintenance Menu). Use a PAY DATE of 01/07/18, BEGINNING DATE of 01/01/18 and ENDING DATE of 01/07/18.

You will now how 2 Pay Period Transaction records for this Pay Period. The Wage and Time Report will combine these records for each employee.


If you are NOT using DWS, follow these steps:

1. Run YEAR END CLOSE in Payroll if you have not yet done this. Year End Close will move the BALANCES to LAST YEAR ENDING BALANCES and CLEAR THE Y-T-D fields. A copy of the Employee Master File will also be made.
2. CREATE TRANSACTIONS FOR A NEW PAY PERIOD (Payroll Maintenance Menu). Use a PAY DATE of 01/07/18, BEGINNING DATE of 12/25/17 and ENDING DATE of 12/31/17.
3. Change the Pay Rates in the Employee Master File (Demographics page) to the NEW RATES
4. UPDATE EMPLOYEE RATE FILE WITH EMPLOYEE MASTER FILE RATES (Payroll Maintenance menu). This will update the PAYROLL RATES in the Employee Rates File.
5. CREATE TRANSACTIONS FOR A NEW PAY PERIOD (Payroll Maintenance Menu). Use a PAY DATE of 01/07/18, BEGINNING DATE of 01/01/18 and ENDING DATE of 01/07/18.