Phone: 614.837.1639 | Fax: 614.864.0194

Responsive Image Shortcodes

you can add images to be as simple or complex as you like

Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
[image title="Add Image Title w/ Shortcode" alt="Alt Tags w/ Shortcode"
link="" target="_blank" url="yourimage.jpg" width="380" height="380"]

9 Shadow Options

you can choose from 9 modern web shadows

Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
[image title="Add Image Title w/ Shortcode" alt="Alt Tags w/ Shortcode"
link="" target="_blank" url="yourimage.jpg" shadow="8" width="380" height="190" ]

Optional Image Frames

set your inner & outer border color & opacity from admin panel

Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
[image title="Add Image Title w/ Shortcode" alt="Alt Tags w/ Shortcode"
link="" target="_blank" url="yourimage.jpg" border="smallBorder"
shadow="1" width="380" height="269"]

10 Available Icon Hover Animations

if your image is linking to something why not let your visitor’s know

Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
Add Alt Tags w/ Shortcode
[image alt="Alt Tags w/ Shortcode" url="yourimage.jpg"
border="smallBorder" shadow="9" icon="youtube" width="380" height="269"]

Lightbox Options

add photo, vimeo, youtube, or i-frame lightboxes to your image shortcodes

[image border="smallBorder" shadow="7" lightbox=""
url="yourimageurl.jpg" icon="vimeo" iframe="video" iframe_width="640"
iframe_height="360" width="380" height="380"]