If you are using Payroll:
1. PAYROLL MODULE- Change the Pay Rates in the Employee Master File (Demographics page) to the NEW RATES prior to creating the Payroll transactions.
If your office uses Payroll AND Daily Crew Worksheet:
1. PAYROLL MODULE – UPDATE EMPLOYEE RATES FILE WITH EMPLOYEE MASTER FILE RATES (Payroll Maintenance menu). This will update the PAYROLL RATES in the Employee Rates File.
If your office does not use Payroll:
Update the Rates in the Employee Rates File.
The Employee Rates File (used by Payroll (for storing multiple rates for each employee), Pavement Management, Daily Crew Worksheet, Fleet Maintenance, Sign Management and Time Maintenance) contains two sets of rates (Payroll Rate (REGULAR and OVERTIME)) and (Benefitted Rate (REGULAR and OVERTIME)). The Benefitted Rates (REGULAR and OVERTIME) are used for tracking actual project costs and are the default rates used by Pavement Management, Daily Crew Worksheet, Fleet Maintenance and Sign Management .
The Benefitted Rates in the Employee Rates File can be ENTERED or CALCULATED by using one of the two benefit percentages. You can calculate the Benefitted Rate by adding the FEMA PERCENTAGE or the IN-HOUSE PERCENTAGE.
There is an option on the Maintenance menu in Daily Crew Worksheet Maintenance menu that will update the Benefitted Rates with the Payroll Rate+FEMA BENEFIT PERCENTAGE. There is also an option to update the Benefitted Rates with the Payroll Rate+IN HOUSE BENEFIT PERCENTAGE.
The Daily Crew Worksheet Reports can be printed using 1. Benefitted Rate (stored in DWS entries) 2. Payroll Rate 3. Payroll Rate plus FEMA Benefit Percentage or 4. Payroll Rate plus In House Benefit Percentage.